Jumped the Synapse: Thoughts without sponsors!

These are my thoughts that don't fit in my other blogs. They'll eventually cover a large range of topics.

Friday, July 21, 2006

ADHD and food supplements: do they help?

Food supplements -do they help?

In one relatively small pilot study (Richardosn, A., & Puri, B.K. [2002]. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 26, 233-239) of 41 eight to twelve-year-old children with dyslexia and elevated ADHD symptoms (although not formally diagnosed with such), showed significant cognitive improvements when children were given a supplement containing various fatty acids known to assist in brain development and functioning. The twelve week study showed impressive results.

Under carefully controlled double-blind conditions, highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) supplementation with a combination of fatty acids was significantly better than placebo in reducing a wide range of ADHD symptoms in children with reading disability and elevated ADHD symptoms. Within the placebo group, no significant reductions were found for any of the Conner’s scales relative to baseline levels. Among treated children, however, statistically significant reductions were found for psychosomatic problems, cognitive problems, anxiety, attention problems, hyperactivity, and a global index measuring a broad range of behavior problems.

However, since none of the children had been formally identified as having ADHD, it isn’t known for sure if these results will translate across to those with an independent ADHD diagnoses. Other studies have shown relatively low levels of certain important fatty acids in many ADHD children. Therefore, it may be worthwhile to approach your health food store and talk to a professional there relating to an appropriate supplement.

... another random musing


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